Seeds of Heaven by Tito Abao attempts to highlight the history of the life on Earth. The book alternates between the situations of the devastating world and the aftermath of the destruction. The story revolves around the narrator Seraphis and the island Atlantis. It portrays the arrival of the aliens from Arcturus wishing to destroy the spiritual harmony on land. With this he tries to relate the human soul with the sins that exists around them. He wishes to make people understand that inner peace and goodwill are the two most clean and positive attributes one can possess. So, one must make an attempt to adopt the spiritual beliefs for a peaceful future.
Life Orientation Guide – Tito Abao
The program offered by the Life Orientation guide Tito Abao discovers the idea of a spiritual living accompanied by the sacred beliefs that one can possess of the supreme authority. By being a guide, he wants to offer to the people the formation of the spiritual world so as to promote religious and peaceful mind beliefs. Tito Abao through his consultation programs offers guidelines of a journey that has to be self created through the understanding of sacred and inward beliefs. He focuses on the creation of new formed life that can bring solace in the lives of people through this discovery. A Life Orientation guide like Tito Abao can offer various distinguishes between ‘a life’ and ‘a living’. Throughout his programs he has tried to bring the limelight onto the inwardness of a soul so as to promote spirituality. His guidelines reflect the idea of exhibiting sacred morals of an inner soul. To know more about his consultation programs visit